About Me

I am an (earlytomid) 30something mother of one  two, with elevated FSH and a rather hostile uterus (the latter is self-diagnosed).  Here’s my story as I continue(d) to fight the good fight to give my IVF-offspring an IVF-sibling (sibling was born on Nov 11, 2010.  Miracles…yep.  They happen.  Or whatever you want to call them…)  Oh, and I am (still) a Novice Blogger (even though I have been at this for well over a year…I haven’t educated myself in blogginess…still)  So please excuse the lack of awesomeness.  I hope to get there…someday…

I don’t really write much now that my second has come along…not because I dont have time, or don’t care anymore…but this was (and is…) my place to write about my infertility journey.  Right now, I am kind of sitting on the side, off the path, enjoying the way things finally turned out.  Infertility isn’t driving my every thought anymore–it made for a hellish few years, but for now…I’m just enjoying NOT being (completely) crazed about it.    When my crazy-ass self decides to dive into the freezer for some frozen embryos…I am sure I will be back on the writing wagon.  I just need to convince my husband that it’s a ride he wants to take again…